Holding a Candle

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner — or four.

The lucky recipients of Castine Candle collections are Kathi Muller, Kimberly Junkins, Amanda Esposito and Michelle Taylor. Winners, please e-mail us at kristen@mainemaven.com with your mailing address, and we'll make sure those candles get to you quickly — and trust us, you'll want them ASAP, because they smell soooo good.

Even if you didn't win, you can get 25 percent off Castine Candles through Christmas — just click on the ad at left, or visit www.castinecandle.com and enter MAINEMAVEN at checkout.

Thank you to everyone who entered, and special thanks to Micah and Carrie Thurston at Castine Candle.


KimberlyJ said...

Thank you so much, very excited to get the candles.

KimberlyJ said...

My candles just arrived, didn't expect so many! I have one burning now so I'll let you know how fabulous it smells when it's had a little time. Thanks again, so excited I won and the bonus is trying out another Maine product.

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