Tote Couture

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner...

Congratulations to Lyana Votey, a Maine-based photographer who has won this gorgeous Annie|Catherine tote (a $180 value). To all of you who entered, thank you! We wish we could give you all prizes, but in the meantime, you can take advantage of Annie|Catherine's 20 percent off post-holiday sale (see details at left or just click through).

We appreciate your support and thank you for following Maine Maven on Facebook and on Twitter. Stay tuned for our next great giveaway — something sweet from Black Dinah Chocolatiers of Isle au Haut, just in time for Valentine's Day. It's the best chocolate we've ever had, and we think you'll agree. That contest will start at the beginning of February.

Until then, thanks again!


Unknown said...

Thank you so very much. I can't wait to start sporting my gorgeous new tote!!

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